Mission Mid 20s –
A Bold Italic Microhood
At The Bold Italic we noticed little pocket neighborhoods cropping up in San Francisco worthy of celebration. We named them "microhoods" and kicked off a series of block parties for our readers.
micro · hood - n. A piece of a neighborhood, perhaps only a block or two large, so glorious that it deserves its own name.
Our first microhood event took place on 20th and 21st Street between Valencia and Mission (deemed The Mission Mid 20s) and featured:
Mission: Comics and Art
Bianca Starr
Gravel & Gold
Rodger Coffee & Tea
Her Majesty's Secret Beekeeper
Street Eats: Stack's Coop, Spotted Rooster, Banh Mai, Sweet Confections, Gobba Gobba Hey
Attendees: 300
Sponsor: Firestone Walker Brewing Company
Photos of Mission: Comics + Art by Josh Ellingson on Flickr