Here’s a sampling of content I produced:

POPUPHOOD Abby Wilcox explores a ‘hood of pop-ups in Oakland

POPUPHOOD Abby Wilcox explores a ‘hood of pop-ups in Oakland

NIGHT FLASH Margo Moritz photographs street fashion at 18th and Castro

NIGHT FLASH Margo Moritz photographs street fashion at 18th and Castro

NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM Ethan Kanat checks out museum after hours events

NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM Ethan Kanat checks out museum after hours events

LEVI’S MADE & CRAFTED Nicole Grant Kriege finds two fashion icons coming together

LEVI’S MADE & CRAFTED Nicole Grant Kriege finds two fashion icons coming together

TECHIE STEREOTYPES Nicole Grant Kriege knows common tech personalities

TECHIE STEREOTYPES Nicole Grant Kriege knows common tech personalities

PRETTY PERSUASION: Nicole Grant Kriege meets Michelin starred chef Dominique Crenn

PRETTY PERSUASION: Nicole Grant Kriege meets Michelin starred chef Dominique Crenn

REBEL YELL Abby Wilcox meets the city’s fiercest gender benders

REBEL YELL Abby Wilcox meets the city’s fiercest gender benders

GIMME 5: All the SF Gossip This Week (Photo credit: Cee Magazine)

GIMME 5: All the SF Gossip This Week (Photo credit: Cee Magazine)

MOVING TO SAN FRANCISCO: Drew Hoolhorst breaks down neighborhood stereotypes

MOVING TO SAN FRANCISCO: Drew Hoolhorst breaks down neighborhood stereotypes

WAKE UP Abby Wilcox captures local surf culture with her camera

WAKE UP Abby Wilcox captures local surf culture with her camera

LIVING IN SF MEANS…. Broke Ass Stuart reflects on Living in the City by the Bay

LIVING IN SF MEANS…. Broke Ass Stuart reflects on Living in the City by the Bay

MEET A LOCAL: Fiona Tang

MEET A LOCAL: Fiona Tang



We produced a large-format, limited edition quarterly print magazine with a strong emphasis on design, photography,
and original content featuring Bold Locals' urban discoveries. My role: I was lead producer for publication volumes 3 and 4, and worked closely with art directors Indhira Rojas and Heath Kessler.



Bold Italic events ranged from launch parties to supper clubs, fashion shows to tastings, block parties to sound experiments. My role: Producer.



The Bold Italic Pop Up Shop was an extension of the site’s online shop, and gave locals the opportunity to interact with the brand live and in person. It showcased the work of San Francisco artists, designers, and clothiers. My role: Producer, along with art director Melissa Small.



We worked with a number of local artists and designers to create custom products for the Bold Italic shop. My role: Producer.



Designed by Kelly Malone, the office was a multifunctional work and event space in Hayes Valley.